One of the hot topics in today’s advertising industry is how to effectively advertise to the Millennial age group. With every new generation, the rules of advertising are changed and new marketing techniques are created. The same formula used to advertise to Baby Boomers might not be as effective towards this Millennial age group and knowing who your audience is and what they like, is the first step in the right direction. Traditional media like newspapers, radio spots, and TV commercials not appeal to Millennials as much as prior generations. Millennials are the first of the “digital natives” which means that they grew up with their phone in their hands compared to a baseball glove or basketball.
In order to connect with the Millennial generation, you must be present on as many social platforms as possible. Millennials have a great deal of purchasing power and are very active on social platforms that their friends are on. Most people in the Millennial generation spend multiple hours a day checking their email, social accounts, YouTube and browsing the internet where they are being exposed to online advertisements. If your target audience is Millennials and you are not online, you are very likely to not get any sales from this generation.
When it comes to actually purchasing a product or service, Millennials will research the product online, compare the products online, and most likely ask their peers how their experience was with whichever product or service has interested them. Millennials are a very social group that depends on their friends and role models to help mold how they buy and what they buy. It is important for companies to stay relevant online and be aware of the changes going on in social networks on a daily basis. Millennials look at the quality of the product and how it fits their personality most before purchasing and 65% of their shopping comes from online, whether it is an app they downloaded or visiting a website and checking out.
The social networks millenial’s pursue most and spend most of their time on are:
- Snapchat
If you are targeting Millennials, advertising on these platforms in the right way could prove to bring amazing results. Emotions are also a big factor when it comes to advertising. If Millennials can relate to a product or message personally, then they are more likely to purchase from that business compared to another company that has failed to connect with them.
Are you trying to figure out who your target audience is and how to market to them? Contact Moxie Digital for more information on how we can help you effectively advertise online!
Checkout this Infographic from AdWeek for more information about Millennials.